Rental Rate Explanation
Rental Periods
- * Rental Purchase Options
- are available upon your expressed interest.
- * Monthly Rentals
- are for 1 month from the day the rental starts, up to but not including the same date in the next month, with up to 176 hrs of machine usage. “We don’t believe in a 28 day month.”
- * Weekly Rentals
- are for 1 week from the day the rental starts, up to but not including the same day in the next week, with up to 40 hours of machine usage.
- * Daily Rentals
- are for 24 hours, or less with up to 8 hours of machine usage.
Additional Weeks Or Months
The rental is calculated from the number of calendar days during the rental period. If you rent a machine for 1 month and 1 week (If rate is $6,000/ month) you pay $6,000/month plus $1,380, because we take 7 days divided by 30 days which equals .23 of a month X $6,000 + $1,380. Your total would be $6,000 + $1,380 = $7,380.
Excess Hours
These are charged at 1/8,1/40, or 1/176 of the rental rate for the period. For example, if you put 195 hours on a machine in June and 170 hours on the same machine in July you have used it for 365 hours when only 352 hours were allowed. We take the rental period rate of $6,000 and divide it by 176 hours = $34.09 and times this by the 13 overtime hours which is $443.17.